Shai is a Level 3 gymnast at West Valley Gymnastics. Shai was diagnosed with a brain tumor 4.5 years ago. She has been through two major brain surgeries to try to resection, three different chemotherapies, blood transfusions and more. She has finally found a biological chemo that is working. She has another 16 months left on this round of chemo and we are hopeful.
If you can, we ask you to donate to a great cause! 100% of it will be donated to PBTF, to help find a cure for Shai and the 1000's of other children fighting brain cancer. September was Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We are now extending donations until December to raise more money for PBTF Research.
We have included information about Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation below:
Today, 13 kids will be diagnosed with a brain tumor -- the deadliest disease facing this country's children. As the leading nonprofit dedicated to children and teens with brain tumors, the PBTF's mission is simple, yet powerful: Care. Cure. Thrive. Your support makes this possible: providing CARE for families, fueling research to CURE childhood brain tumors and helping survivors and families THRIVE. Learn more at